woman job seeker heeding video interview tips for her job hunt

Video Interview Tips to Succeed in Your Job Hunt

Just like anything in this world, recruitment processes change. Before the pandemic, video interviews were emerging from one company to another, bringing additional benefits (as well as challenges) both to recruiters and job seekers. Now with all that’s happened in 2020, video or Skype interviews have quickly become the norm. In fact, 86% of the organizations utilize this technology to hire candidates. Hence, whether you’re preparing for your first virtual interview or you’re in for another try, video interview tips will surely help you.

What is a Video or Skype Interview?

The video interview is the process of conducting a job interview using the Internet’s video platforms such as Google Hangouts, Harver, Skype, and Zoom, among which the most popular being Skype. This explains many people’s tendency to refer to video interviews themselves as “Skype interviews.”

This type of interview is no less than the in-person interview. Though both have the same goal of connecting to potential hires and choosing the best one for the post, there are a few gaps you need to take note of. As mentioned earlier, video interviews have their own benefits and tests to both parties. We’ve listed some of them below.

Pros of Video Interview

  • Job seekers like you will be able to get interviewed in the comforts of your home.
  • You won’t need to deal with the traffic jam in your area.
  • There’s no need to worry about losing your way to the company location.

Cons of Video Interview

  • You run the risk of having an unstable Internet connection in the middle of the interview.
  • You might feel uncomfortable talking with someone online.
  • There’s a high chance of distraction in your home due to various factors such as family members and other tasks.

focused businesswoman participates in video interview

FAQs About Video Interviews

What kinds of questions are asked in a video interview?

Questions for video interviews are similar to in-person interview questions. Some will involve your work history, technical knowledge, and situational and behavioral questions. Make sure that you’re 100% familiar with what’s written in your resume, since most questions are just elaboration of resume details.

How do you stand out in a video interview?

Simply put, you can leave a good impression when you prepare well enough both in technical and professional aspects. Sure, a smooth Skype interview is a plus. But at the end of the day, your confidence, how you handled the questions thrown your way, and your qualifications will make you stand out among other candidates.

What is the best color to wear for a video interview?

One thing you must take note of: Don’t wear clothes with the same color as your wall. You can choose something that complements it. Solid and neutral colors—navy, gray, black, and brown—are a good place to start.

Video Interview Tips to Correct Every Mistake

Now, let’s tackle the best and the most practical video/Skype interview tips to heed to overcome the mentioned challenges.

Mistake #1: Thinking of video interviews as less professional than the actual in-person interview.

Tip #1: Don’t be too casual and too comfortable just because you are in your home.

Being too casual with this type of interview is risky. So, think and prepare for Skype interviews like you would do for an in-person one. Yes, there is a platform and channel between you and the recruiter. However, this doesn’t take away the fact that the interview is real. The goal is still the same for you—impress the hiring manager. So, you’ll still need to mind your eye movement, body language, and posture.

All of the mistakes and tips will revolve around this idea of being too comfortable in this setup.

Mistake #2: Not wearing proper interview attire because the recruiter sees only your face.

Tip #2: Wear a professional interview attire from head to toe.

It’s understandable to have an urge to wear less formal attire in your home. However, this might leave an impression of lack of interest for the role. Aside from this, psychology says that people need to dress for success. Wearing formal attire can heighten abstract thinking and evoke the feelings of power. Do you want to know the best suit for you? Check our tips for great job interview outfits.

Mistake #3: Not doing a trial tech run before the job interview.

Tip #3: Set a time to test your gadgets and technical setup at least an hour before the interview.

Test the following: internet connection, the software or app required for the interview, your mic, and your camera. It’ll be your loss once your setup fails. Preparation is key to video interviews. Pick a friend to help you with this, and take time to get familiar with Skype or other apps, so won’t panic once the interview has started.

  • Camera: Place it at eye level. Don’t put it where you’ll appear looking down.
  • Microphone: Place it where your breathing won’t be heard to avoid distraction.
  • Your chair: Make sure you don’t end up looking too small or too big in the camera. Practice yourself to put your feet on the ground, too!

woman job seeker interviewed online in her home

Mistake #4: Settling in your favorite spot at home.

Tip #4: Consider the quietest place in your home where the internet is most stable.

There’s a lot to consider to make your Skype interview a success. But one of the most vital factors to prioritize is the setup. Look for a place where you won’t get distracted by the noise you hear from your neighbors or even family members. Also, inform your family beforehand that you have a job interview. Tell them the specific time and date. You can put a ‘do not disturb’ signage on your door that reads something like, “In Progress: Job Interview.” As for your video background, make sure it has a solid color.

Mistake #5: Not preparing for possible interview questions.

Tip #5: List and study job interview questions, even the most common ones.

Among helpful video interview tips is how, as a job seeker, you need to buy ample time to prepare for your interview. And one of the best ways to do so is to hire a resume service to do your resume for you. This is one good strategy for job applicants who have yet to secure an interview. If you’re nervous for the questions, you can read and practice pre-scripted interview answers. Doing this will surely boost your confidence.

Ace Your Job Hunt with Resume Prime’s Help

Not only does Resume Prime provide the best resume services for job seekers; we also give the most helpful tips for our readers. Your career success matters to us. Read and heed the most effective job interview strategies for you today!


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