Sales and Marketing what's the difference with two question marks

Sales vs. Marketing: What’s the Difference?

Without realizing the difference, people still refer sales and marketing to the same thing. Yet these business terms are distinct in many aspects. Job seekers and new graduates may get confused between the two. If you fail to differentiate these terms, you damage your hiring chances. If you plan to pursue a business career, you must know the distinct characteristics of the two. It will save you from being embarrassed when you use these jargons.

Charts and Graphics signifying difference of Sales and Marketing

How Do Sales and Marketing Differ?

To shorten, marketing is the cause while sales pertains to the effect. Yet they differ in approach, focus, procedure, and more.


Marketing involves tough means. Sometimes it includes trial-and-error. You must study the current trends and competitions, product sources, market share, pricing, and budget for marketing. Sales involve a simple course, a one-to-one deal between a seller and a buyer.


When you market a business, you aim to attract clients. Through promotion, you can gain patrons—a technique called pull marketing. With selling, sellers may transact with stores to promote a brand. This scheme gives the product or service a push.


Investopedia defines a sale as a deal between seller and buyer where the latter receives goods, services, and/or assets for money. Marketing refers to a company’s activity that involves advertising, selling, and product delivery.


While both terms urge people to patronize product(s) or service(s), their primary goals differ. When you market a product or service, you present your business to the public. Aside from this, marketing is the certain way to brood interest in a product or service that produces leads for the company. In selling, the goal is to satisfy the wants and needs of clients.


What should be your focus in marketing a business? First, consider the ways to promote it and to distribute campaign materials. Second, be careful with branding and with the brand’s message. Third, focus on how people will notice the product(s) or service(s). Last, set your sight on the benefits it can offer to the public. In selling, make the product(s) or service(s) fit enough to meet consumer demands. Set objectives in sales volume and dare yourself to reach them.


The best means to sustain marketing efforts is to prepare activities that will excite clients. Think of the company’s relationship with patrons and figure what they need, and meet them. Marketing efforts will fail without setting long-term goals along with lasting business actions. The correct approach to selling depends on the seller’s mood, personality, and the way it treats clients. Befriend patrons to earn their trust. Likewise, listen and attend to their concerns.

Make a Difference

After knowing the differences between sales and marketing, you can now use them with confidence to impress your hiring manager. A job application, however, is not about passing the interview alone. Before you receive a callback, you must present an impressive sales resume.

Are you considering to jumpstart your career in sales and marketing industry? Let Resume Prime take you to your dream job! Create your own resume with the help of our professional resume samples, or contact our excellent resume writers to do the work for you. Contact us today!

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