an applicant looking for a job and targeting resume standards

6 Resume Standards and Winning Traits to Boost Your Hiring Chances

Hiring managers have high standards in finding the most fitting person for the job. Hence, aspirants such as rookies or seasoned pros must present a resume that shows these six job-winning traits as part of resume standards to boost your hiring chances. Better yet, go for a resume writing provider that can include them in your copy. Indeed, job hunting can be an overwhelming opportunity to grab; however, presenting these six resume standards attracts recruiters to hire you for the job.

laptop pens and phone for resume standards

Resume Standards: Six Job Winning Traits Your Resume Must Have during Job Hunting

Good work ethics

Your behavior towards your past jobs and colleagues can affect your chances for interviews. In fact, recruiters can sense this quality from your resume. How can you prove good work ethic just by your job-hunting tool? Your resume must have details that show you’re punctual, productive, dedicated, and trustworthy. The Profile Summary section is rather the best place to add your best qualities.


Application papers show how job hunters behave in the workplace. Your flair, which lets you do your job well, is a sign of good conduct. Likewise, training and advanced skills build your good image as a field expert. At length, to highlight your professionalism, your resume must stress your honesty, obedience, respect, and concentration.

Minor and major accomplishments

Your accomplishments, both minor and major, can prove your diligence, the sweet fruit of your labor towards helping the firm reach its business goals. Make sure the Career section of your resume lists your achievements in each job you held. Don’t forget to put figures and statistics to support your claim.


Cooperation is an important part of career growth. Whether a leader or a member, be sure your resume states your role in reaching the group’s goal. Say you’re cooperative, can lead a team, or bring any project to success. This trait entices a hiring manager especially if the job position you’re aiming for concerns team management.

Interpersonal communication skills

Having an introvert behavior must not hinder the growth of a company; hence each worker, including you, must make the effort to relate to others. With the benefits of smooth information exchange in the operations, hiring managers choose those who can express themselves by any means. With this, your Skills section must state “verbal and written communication skills.”

Time management skills

Your talent to meet deadlines is a plus point to your quest. Likewise, your ability to complete many tasks on time is a boost to your hiring chances. Your resume must show you have talent in scheduling and in maximizing time.

Let your future boss find these traits in you with a striking resume. Find the right resume writing service that will present you in the best possible light!

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