resume writing mistakes spoiling your job hunt

7 Typical Resume Mistakes That Spoil Your Job Chances

Have you been sending your resume to so many firms, and yet you’re getting zero calls? Since applicants are cutthroat and their numbers are increasing, you must change your tactics. As you target jobs, pull out your resume and mind the resume writing mistakes you can make! Remember, your resume acts as your first move to get a job interview.

So, how can you make your resume convincing? One perfect source is the internet. You’ll find tips and tricks there you can use to pump your job-hunting tool. Yet, you may commit common resume writing errors that can hurt your chances for an interview. Therefore, learn from this article rather and avoid making them.

Typical Resume Writing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Broad Job Objective

It’s a common mistake to make an all-purpose resume; thus, sending it to any job posts won’t help you get an interview. This practice is common among job seekers. Hence, it’s important to tailor your resume to your intended job. Though optional, an employer loves a good objective. Then again, it’s worth writing if it shares details not found in your resume and cover letter. To give you higher chances for an interview, mention the firm’s name in your objective and keep it brief and direct to the point.

Vague Words

Is your outline plain or amateurish and does it make any impact? Maybe you’re having problems with word usage. In the resume writing service industry, professional writers use action words. Hence, keep your sentences short, but highlight your skills. Further, avoid fluffy words and phrases. In contrast, include the results of your tasks, not your job description. Put numbers, figures, and metrics, too, that can help boost your chances.

Lengthy Resume

Remember, you’re writing a resume, not a novel. Who would want to read a 3-4 page copy full of text? If your resume is lengthy, then “refocus” its details by presenting your info and achievements in the shortest, yet most precise way. Start by telling what industry you aim to pursue and the position you want. In that way, you focus your core skills useful for your application and take away irrelevant ones. If you’re a new graduate, consider having at least a single page. Superior and expert levels with 10 years or more of practice can use two or more pages.

Wrong Structure and Format

Scanning a resume is the quickest way for an employer to decide whether to throw it away or keep it. Wrong resume formatting can kill your chances. In making your copy, you need not use a single format. However, how it looks counts, so still pay attention to its style, layout, and organization. Highlight your info depending on your personal settings: chronological, or listing your work history from the most recent; functional, or skills and experience-focused type; or a mix of both.

Write the details by dividing them into sections—a brief career outline, core skills, education, work history, training, and personal data. Besides, even small mistakes add to the reason recruiters throw them into the bin. Transform it to a more impressive one by avoiding these mistakes.

Unnecessary Info

Keep irrelevant info off your outline. One common resume writing mistake is including unnecessary details. For example, you can remove other personal details such as gender, date of birth, and marital status. Even the job you had for three years may not matter anymore; hence, you need not write it.

Misspellings and Typo and Grammar Errors

As few as they can be, misspellings and typo and grammatical errors can upset a recruiter. As a professional, write your details with care. Likewise, it won’t do you harm if you fix them in your copy. Further, if you want to win against your rivals, you can’t afford these mistakes. Poor grammar takes away your chances for the job in an instant. Though sometimes obscure, they’re still resume writing mistakes.

Work Experience

Include your work experience. You can resolve a lack of or having different experiences by explaining what you did. In addition, state volunteer programs, awards, community services, leadership roles, and related activities. You can put emphasis, too, on your transferable skills and record of achievements. In particular, these will prove your worth as an applicant and a prospective employee of the company.

resume writing mistakes

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If you have enough time, draft your own resume. Otherwise, ask help from friends or professional writers to help you avoid these resume writing mistakes and get a job interview. Did you find this article useful? Visit to learn  how you can resolve your resume concerns.

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