
Writing a Powerful Resume: Is it Still Worth it?

Is resume dead? Definitely NOT. Despite the existence of what some call, “resume alternatives” (i.e. LinkedIn, Business card, Virtual CV account, Video Resume,, Slideshare, and Prezi) majority of hiring managers still prefer to receive traditional resumes from the candidates.

According to Rachel Dotson, content and community manager for ZipRecruiter, in one site alone, employers view thousands of resumes per month. That basically means they are far from giving up on resumes.

For skeptic job seekers, here are 8 reasons why creating a resume is still worth it:

1. Still Required by Hiring Managers

In a world where technology provides faster and easier ways to get a job, hiring managers still ask for a resume in order for a candidate to be considered.

2. Makes the Pooling Process Simpler

For employers, a resume plays a significant role in the recruitment process. It helps them filter candidates with related experiences and merits required for the job.

3. Share, Exchange, and Discuss

A resume signifies that an applicant is ready for an interview. So, instead of sending an employer details for a LinkedIn account, handing over a resume can prove to be easier.

4. Showing Off is Made Easier

Through resume writing, a candidate can showcase his/her skills and experiences.

5. Packs Voluminous Data in a Single Document

A resume explains the compatibility of a candidate for a particular job. When done right, this simple document can provide employers relevant information about a job seeker’s work history.

6. The Resume Filtering Norm

The software used in most companies for filtering applications won’t work with online profiles. In a larger company, it’s likely for resumes to be scanned through the application tracking system or ATS.

7. Requirement in the Job Interview

Hiring managers expect candidates to bring a professional copy of their resumes to the interview. This gives them the opportunity to take note of the job-related skills that can be useful to the company.

8. It’s Easier to Manipulate

According to Terry Pile, a consultant for Career Advisors, an online profile will make a candidate vulnerable to hiring discrimination. For instance, the risk lies when he/she appears overweight and too old or too young on the profile photo. In resumes, it’s much easier to manipulate the resume to get rid of all possible discriminations.

A good resume isn’t just a bunch of information that makes no sense. It also needs good structure to make it look professional and legible. There is always a resume template available for a job, so there’s no need to struggle.

Tired of waiting for the “The Call”? Don’t hesitate; hire the best resume writer now!

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