applicant thinking

7 Key Points to Consider in Declining a Job Offer

Saying “NO” to a job offer doesn’t come easy. Job seekers experience pressure a lot and guilt often builds up. But worry no more, because there are factors to help you weigh your options and consider job offer rejection. Declining a job offer may sound harsh and awkward, but you need to learn how to turn it down professionally.

This article helps you weigh your options. Know the issues and points you need to measure; either accept or reject a job offer. If you feel that you need to drift away from a job offer, we round up the reasons you must check on considering a job offer rejection.

Seven Strong Reasons to Consider Job Offer Rejection

typing a job offer rejection

1. The initial meeting and interview with the employer was a bad experience.

One reason to consider job offer rejection is an unpleasant interview. Feel your vibe towards the workers. Whether it’s front desk staff or your interviewer, bad experience adds a drift to say no. As an applicant, you must take any rude or unethical act as a warning. You can never grow a peaceful career with bad-mannered workers around you.

2. The workload and duties are too heavy to handle.

There’s a thin line between avoiding heavy loads and exceeding your ceiling point. You must measure the workload and duties that you might face. The job offer may look perfect with benefits and incentives, however, you must know the real deal behind. If you are overwhelmed with the duties and errands listed, consider declining the job offer.

3. The company’s culture is far different.

A harmonious work setting is a huge factor in career growth. Thus, if you feel uneasy with the company’s culture and nature, turn down the job offer. You can easily define an environment if you can easily adapt. Consider your personality and working mood to check the culture vibe.

4. The salary offer is below your expected wage.

You shape your best to land a job and to earn a living. Of course, the salary tops the factors you must consider. Some would say, “If you’re happy with the job, it doesn’t matter how much it pays”. Who would not want a competitive pay with a job you love? You can’t set aside your bills, financial, and personal needs. Make sure to calculate your budget and set your wage. Skilled workers must weigh the right amount of pay equal to their production.

5. The working schedule and travel time is impractical.

Does it sound like it’s a petty factor to observe? For example, you accepted a job offer in the city and you live six miles away from it. You’ll come late at work compromising your travel time. Missing your deadlines and failing to meet your quota. If a job deal is too impractical, consider job offer rejection.

6. The job deal lacks room for career growth and challenges.

A job offer that lacks room for career growth is a waste of effort. If you can already see that you won’t grow your skills, capabilities, and knowledge, you must go for job offer rejection. In the end, wasting so much effort without gaining lessons and experiences spoils your future. You need to harness yourself to cater more fruitful jobs and skills. Align the career track you need to achieve and see if it fits you. Challenge yourself to aim higher to avoid wrecking your career.

7. The other job offer option weighs better.

This is one of the basic yet hard to crack reasons in declining a job offer. For job hunters, stuck between two or more offers that varies in salary wage, career growth, culture and assigned tasks is a quick sand. Weigh your priorities and options smartly to avoid missing out. Job offer rejection hints an employer to revise and upgrade the offer, so you must eye for the better deal.

Tips in Declining a Job Offer Gracefully

1. Let your employer know as soon as possible.

Avoid letting your employer wait too long. That’s an unprofessional way of declining a job offer. You must respect their time and the availability of the position.

2. Be grateful and show appreciation.

Be thankful for the chance they gave you and appreciate their effort to wait for your decision. They’ve spared time checking your resume and scheduling you for an interview. You can’t just disappear after knowing that the job offer isn’t for you. Treasure the experience you gained in the interview process and use it to improve.

For example:

Thank you so much for accommodating me during the interview and for offering the Sales Associate position. I appreciate your time spent and for letting me meet your team. I enjoyed learning how the office works and what the work nature is.

3. State your reasons truthfully.

Instead of them guessing your true reason in rejecting the offer, tell them the truth. Whether it’s because of the low salary wage or another job offer weighs better, let them know. Your job offer rejection letter should address valuable information to clear points.

4. Inform through verbal communication.

Sending a text message to reject the job offer is rude. Even though the deal weighs lighter, you’ll never know when people and fate changes their game. I know how tempting it is to send a message to cut the tie, but you need to put down that option.

5. Keep the communication open with the firm.

It’s a huge job search industry, but it still linked in long line. Waving your sweetest and most genuine goodbye is a yes. Keep in touch by stating you’d be glad to meet them again in the future. Pleasantries like this won’t hurt you and it’s a good way to leave a neat page.

It’s never easy to consider job offer rejection if you’re aiming to land a job. However, it is important to assess your options in choosing a job you can grow your career into. Declining a job offer should stand with valid reasons and not just because of your mood. Open yourself to the challenges to develop your career.

Are you still in doubt to send your resume and land on your dream job? Seek help to Resume Prime’s professional resume writers.

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