man worrying about job hunting myths

The Truth behind Common Job Hunting Myths and Misconceptions

Spending more time listening and worrying about the suggestions of other people than polishing your resume won’t do you any good. They’re just job hunting myths and misconceptions from non-experts. Most of them are unproven and without basis, so it’s best to ignore them. Check out this list for you to differentiate the expectations from the reality of job searching.

Job Hunting Myths Vs Reality

Woman contemplating on job hunting myths

1. You’ll find your next job by applying online.

Sending multiple applications online doesn’t mean you’ll eventually beat the odds and land a good one. Doing this may seem and feel productive but most surveys show that only 15% of positions were filled through job boards. In reality, most vacant jobs are either filled internally or through referrals. You’re hurting your hiring chances of you only spend your time and energy scoping out jobs and applying.

Try to combine various tactics like contacting recruiters, meeting past colleagues, attending professional association meetings, volunteering, and meeting new people every day.

2. If you’re the right candidate, you’ll get through ATS.

Whenever you submit an online application, it goes through an applicant tracking system (ATS) designed to screen out ideal candidates based on keywords, dates, and job titles. Even if you consider yourself the perfect fit, there are some pretty dismal odds of getting your resume into the right hands.

Yes, it is possible to make it through the automated systems but it’s not the most effective way to spend your time. Instead of slaving over these time-consuming forms, invest more time preparing your materials and tracking down the hiring manager’s email address to send them directly. This way, with a tailored resume and cover letter, you’ll have a higher chance of landing an interview than letting robots decide your fate.

3. You’ll get a response to every application.

In the ideal hiring process, job-seekers would always receive a response—positive or negative—to their every application. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Often, hiring managers only contact candidates that will be scheduled for an interview. If you don’t pass the screening, receiving a response won’t be easy.

To improve your chances of hearing back, contact a real person, follow up appropriately within the right timeline. If you still don’t hear from them, don’t dwell on it. Move on to the next opportunity.

4. Recruiters will choose you if you lower your salary demands.

Applying for a job is nothing like bidding. Instead of attracting recruiters with a much lower salary request, it will just make you look desperate and it’s a major turn-off.

As long as you’re requesting for a payment within an acceptable range, stick to them and never be the first to bring it up. Let your employer be the first to raise the issue before you discuss it.

5. Recruiters will contact your references before or during the interview process.

Each company has policies regarding reference checking but they will seldom do it during resume screening or during the interview process. It takes time and money so it’ll be a costly investment for multiple applicants.

They often do the checking after they chose a few strong contenders. If you’re confident to reach this level, make sure to carefully choose who you’ll list and prepare them to give the most vital and relevant details about you.

6. When times are tough, grab the first job offer you get.

Out of all these job hunt myths, this one is the most tempting especially if many months have already passed and you’re still unemployed. There’ll be days where you are sure you’ll get an offer and none comes. And days where it’s hard to choose from multiple job offers.

Should you choose the first one that comes along? Only if you’re sure that the job and pay fit your qualifications. If not, wait for a better offer to come along. But as long as you’re not about to lose your house or suffer financial consequences.

Job hunting can be a tough and tedious process and believing in these job hunting myths will just make it worse. Instead of dwelling on these common misconceptions about job hunting, increase your hiring chances by boosting your resume. For more helpful articles and expert writing services, visit

Source: | | U.S. News | | | |

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