group job interview tips

10 Smart and Useful Tips to Stand Out in a Group Job Interview

A job interview gives you the chance to prove you’re the right person for the position. It’s your chance, too, to impress the hiring manager. Among one-on-one, phone call, video call, and group job interviews, which one did you experience? If none, then here are group job interview tips on how to pass and ace it.

Smart and Effective Group Job Interview Tips

In a group job interview, prospective employers still ask the same questions, but with a different approach and setting. In it, you’ll not only handle the pressure of answering the questions right, you must make sure you stand out among other job seekers. Therefore, if you got an invitation for a group interview, here’s what you should do to ace it.

1. Conduct research.

Regardless of what form of job interview you’ll have, it’s best to research. In addition, do it beforehand. Acquaint yourself of the company culture and other related information your future recruiter may ask you.

2. Arrive early.

Arrive at least 30 minutes before the assigned time. With this, you can still freshen up, retouch your makeup, or fix your necktie. Likewise, you can use it to continue with your research and to prepare your requirements.

3. Prepare your own introduction.

First impression do lasts. Another important reason you should come early to practice your introduction. In particular, write, memorize, and rehearse your introduction to save yourself from possible awkward slip-ups.

4. Be a genuine listener.

Just because they’re not asking you, doesn’t mean you won’t pay attention to the interviewer anymore. Don’t let your thoughts and attention drift into nowhere. Focus and listen to the interviewer’s questions and to other interviewee’s statements. This will give you a chance to give a better answer.

5. Support the statements of other interviewees.

Show kindness and support to fellow candidates as they answer. Besides, let them see you’re a great team player.

6. Give your fellow candidates a chance to answer.

A group job interview isn’t a game show. Hence, you don’t always have to be the first to answer the questions, so don’t interrupt other interviewees or debate with them.

7. Smile and nod a lot.

It’s better if the interviewer will notice you because of your smiles and nods, rather than your dominance or stiffness. Likewise, smile and nod a lot when your fellow candidate shares his or her views. In effect, you show your respect and support for them.

8. Ask intelligent questions.

You become more notable in both individual and group job interviews when you ask brilliant questions. It shows, too, you’re listening throughout the interview, and you’re interested to know what you can contribute to the firm.

9. Greet and offer them a handshake before you leave.

After the interview, don’t just stand up, collect your belongings, and then leave the room. Instead, greet and shake hands with the hiring manager and other applicants before you go. This rather shows you’re a well-mannered and humble professional.

10. Send a follow-up thank you letter.

Following-up is an essential post-interview move that most job seekers fail to do. Thus, don’t waste the chance to earn impression points even after the group job interview. In your thank you letter, state how you’ve enjoyed the interview and you’ll answer any follow-up questions.

Prepare yourself as you hunt for work with these group job interview tips that will make it easy for you to pass one! Visit our website at to get free professional resume samples made by our excellent resume experts. Get more effective career tips and job interview guides, too, that will help you much in your quest!

Sources: | Quora

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