resume writing tips for truck drivers

Resume Writing Tips for Truck and Trailer Driver Applicants

Truck drivers are the king of the road, wheeling their way through long highways and crossing borders every day.

Trucking companies continue to serve the manufacturing and trade sectors by delivering goods and services to different markets and business clientele all over the country. They generate employment for thousands of workers, majority of which are truck drivers.

Growing demand

According to a web site directory,, truck drivers held 3.2 million jobs in 2002, 2.8 million of them were heavy and light truck drivers. If they have been driving continuously for 11 hours, they are required by law to rest for 10 hours.

Most of these drivers are found in busy metropolitan areas, which are close to interstate highways. These truck drivers either operate their own vehicles or lease their services to trucking companies.

In order to trace the drivers’ location, monitor the condition of cargo, and adjust driving routes if needed, many companies have started using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and satellite technology.

Meanwhile,, an online portal for the trucking industry, revealed an estimated 15.5 million trucks operate in the United States, two million of which are tractor trailers. These are operated by an estimated 3.5 million truck drivers, and more than 500,000 trucking companies.

The United States economy depends on trucks to deliver nearly 70 percent of all freight transported annually in the U.S., or about $671 billion worth of manufactured and retail goods” the same source stated. “Add $295 billion in truck trade with Canada and $195.6 billion in truck trade with Mexico.

Citing the United States Department of Transportation as source, the online portal said there is an estimated 500,000 truck accidents annually. But despite these, the demand for the job continues to swell.

Job requirements

Those wanting to become truck drivers must be licensed in the state where they reside. Moreover, they should obtain a commercial driver’s license or CDL after going through proper driver-training and safety courses in preparation for the job.

The United States Department of Tourism supervises all truck drivers who engage in any interstate commerce, including administering screening requirements such as background checks, drug tests, and physical tests.

If you are seeking for a job in the trucking industry, you can use your truck driver resume. It can contain details about your driving time, mileage, and experience in the industry. You can also provide pieces of information such as accomplishments and skills that can benefit the company.

It is important that you highlight key events in your driving career in your truck driver resume. This can be achieved by summarizing in brief sentences your accomplishments and achievements that can impress your prospective employer.

Driving experience and knowledge of the rules of the road is very important. Your resume should include the length of employment and relevant workplace skills. Moreover, it should also exhibit your sense of honesty, reliability, and accountability as a hauler.

Like in any other career or profession, a truck driver resume and cover letter must be customized to the specific job that the job seeker is applying for each and every time there is a job opportunity. Start tapping your network of contacts and find a job post you cannot ignore.

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