workspace of a staff checking army CPOL resume builder updates

Army CPOL Resume Builder Updates for Job-Seeking Civilians

The United States Army not only recruits and trains brave and able-bodied persons to become soldiers. It also hires civilians as support staff in various army fields. Like active duty soldiers, all civilian personnel are vital in the success of the whole army system. Apart from serving the country, civilian staff could also receive benefits from the state. This explains the importance of army CPOL resume builder over the years.

Today, many job seekers aim for army civilian jobs, thus making the competition high. Are you one of those looking to get their foot on the door? You’ve come to the right place. Know how you can snag better hiring chances through these army CPOL resume builder tips and updates.

What is CPOL

Civilian Personnel Online or CPOL is a website that offers basic info to job seekers looking for civilian personnel jobs. This program lets job seekers send their resumes to the Army’s Centralized Resumix System and apply for federal job posts. The CPOL resume builder is faster and easier to use and manage, both for the job seeker and the hiring staff. Further, what job seekers must do is send a resume online and the software will guide them through the next steps.

In addition, this program allows the US Army to invite and urge more job seekers to join the workforce. Such will then enter a database fitting into a system; hence, matching job seekers with the right job post. To get the best results, they must use the right keywords that suit a job post.

man looking for online Army CPOL resume builder on his laptop

Updates in Army CPOL Resume Builder

CPOL resume builder has helped many job seekers land jobs in the federal sector. However, CPOL website had to say goodbye back in 2012 since the US Army transitioned from Resumix to USA Staffing. According to, the USA Staffing system merged USA Jobs Resume Builder and Application Manager. That said, the Army officials advised to create profiles for both accounts for faster job application.

Today, USAJOBS has become the standard staffing system job seekers go to for open federal posts. This is due to the main difference between it and CPOL in terms of processing federal applications. CPOL was a Resumix System where the recruiters searched for the best qualified candidates using keywords and keyword phrases on their resumes. On the other hand, USAJOBS is a human system which involves recruiters reading the resumes without putting too much premium on presence (or absence of) relevant keywords.

Civilian Personnel Resume Builder Tips

Submit Complete Documents

Applying for civilian army post entails completion of the requirements in resume builder, application manager, and test. The exam includes 15-60 questions related to your target job post. Aside from those, you must also attach your tailored cover letter. Failure to complete these requests may defer your army civilian service application.

Write Succinct Details

Unlike in CPOL resume builder where you can only write 12,000 characters, USA Jobs allows you to add 5,000 characters for each block of work experience. This allows you to be more detailed in your skills and feats. As a result, resumes in USA Jobs could stretch up to 4-5 pages long.

Include Resume Keywords

Even though the first part of the process relies on the exam, it’s still crucial to include keywords to your resume. You can check the job roles or vacancy announcements to get a hint of vital keywords.

Even though the system changed from Army CPOL resume builder into USA Jobs, job seekers could still land their target job post. With the latest software technology, the hiring staff can find job applicants with skills that match open job prospects. Hence, if you need help in writing a federal resume tailored to a job in the army, we’ve got your back. Resume Prime’s team of career experts offers the best federal resume writing services to help you land job in the US Army, fast. Contact us today and let’s get started. 


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