
Winning Basic Resume Template for Student Jobseekers

Every college student desires to obtain a degree from the university they are into. For future employment purposes, they believe that it is an advantage as it will give them a greater chance to be hired in a better job position. But there are events that hinder these college students from realizing their dreams. One big factor is financial capacity.

For students who lack ambition, they are bound to stop. But for those who want to achieve a better future, they are compelled to find an alternative solution: to search for a job that will sustain their needs in pursuing their education. But how can they influence employers to hire them if they are still inadequate of skills and experience?

Using a Resume Template for Student

a problematic girl who needs a resume template for students

There are kindhearted companies that really hire students to be part of their manpower. These companies believe that working students are more productive and competent. More than the experience, they prioritize considerable knowledge and potentials from these aspiring students.

If you are a student seeking a way to finance your studies, you have to customize a basic resume template that will highlight your skills, experiences, and school achievements.  Here is a sample student resume template that will make your application worthy and recognizable even without job experiences.

Personal Information

In this section, you must indicate your name and contact information. The first line must include your full name, while the succeeding lines must contain your place of residence, e-mail address, and vital contact numbers. This part can be placed on the upper left, right, or center of the page.


Striking words are enough to attract attention from employers; hence, it is vital that you create an objective that will summarize your skills and outstanding capabilities in an instant.

It is important to briefly state how you can use your potentials in providing quality service to the company. Your statement must express your willingness to work with the company.

Skills and Abilities

In your copy, briefly describe your skills, abilities, and working attitude. Also include the knowledge and proficiencies that you have acquired in all fields: in schools, communities, and organizations.


State your educational background from primary to present. Your present education must include the name of the university, years you have studied in college, and the program or course you are taking.


In this section, you have to mention both your previous paid work and voluntary work. If you do not have any experience working, simply declare all your involvement in voluntary works and the length of years you worked for them. In this section, it is important to describe the tasks or job roles you have performed. A detailed job description will give the recruiter or employer a brief overview of your capabilities.

Awards and Achievements

Cite accomplishments like honors, awards, and other merits that you have received from schools, community, and other organizations. This will increase your opportunity to get the job. These achievements will reflect your capacity intellectually and socially.

For students who have less or no job experiences at all, a modified resume for internship that stresses the potentials you have is more advisable. It is remarkable to present yourself in an impressive way. It is important that you create a basic resume template for student that is considerable and way near the application of the experienced one.

For more tips and resume writing tricks for students and beginners, feel free to browse Resume Prime‘s blog page.

Image from Pexels

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