Job Search Advice to Find Your Way Out of Unemployment

Lost for job search advice

Do you need help finding a job? Perhaps you have been jobless for too long and are clueless on where to start. Searching for a new job is a dreary process. Besides the pressure of seeking the best job opportunities, you need to go through the strenuous job interviews and wait in vain. Truth is a “one-size fits all” tactic in job search will not guarantee you an interview. To ensure your job hunting success, you must revamp your old strategies and combine several job search advice or tips that will fit your career goals and needs better.

Is joblessness killing you? Fight unemployment by following effective job search tips, targeting how and where to find good jobs, and shunning common interview mistakes. Set foot on your dream job with these job search advice.

List of Job Search Advice You Must Follow

1. Narrow your search for potential jobs.

You might have hundreds of options; however, slicing off your search to more specific job positions or careers will give you better results. Avoid overwhelming yourself with too many choices so you can weigh where you fit best. For example, instead of scanning for just any food-related job, define your keywords and limit your searches to “chef” job posts.

2. Tailor your resume to fit the job.

Most people who are searching for too long forget to tailor their resume to fit the job. This kills the job opportunity. Resume is your front liner, so be sure to align yours to the job you aim.

3. Avoid being too polished yet charming.

Who would want to read a boring resume or to hear you talking jargons? Do not confuse yourself between presenting yourself as a pro and being too indirect. Employers want to hire a pro yet genuinely smart candidate. Aside from sharp skills, you must show a positive vibe to throw a stronger grip.

4. Do not stop with just sending your resume.

What do you do after sending your application online? If your answer is “none,” you are wasting your first grip. Do not stop after sending your application. Learn more about the firm and build your links. Tickle your radar in getting info about its employees, work routine, products, and services.

5. Polish your LinkedIn profile.

Treat your LinkedIn profile as an armor. Ninety percent of recruiters use this tool mainly to hire people. If you are planning to disregard the power of LinkedIn; then, you are out of the game. Consider the modern pace of hiring industry in plotting your tactics.

6. Maximize your social media accounts.

Use effective tools in job searching. Cliché queries like “where to find good jobs” is out. Technology eases the process of job hunting so you must use it well. Make yourself searchable in credible sites to add up your chance in landing job opportunities.

7. Include “cold calling” as an option.

Cold calling is an option if you are targeting a job position that is not listed as a vacant job. Use public info when connecting with your target firm. Weigh your assets in presenting yourself as a fit worker for a future hiring. Recruiters grab a chance if they can see a potential in needing you.

When Sending Your Application

8. Proofread your resume.

Forgetting to proofread your resume is a big “no”. Shun the risk of having errors in your resume to kill slips. Ask a friend to scan your resume and open yourself for changes and feedback.

9. Write a cover letter

Do not underestimate cover letters and its impact in boosting your application. A catchy, meaningful yet short cover letter attracts attention. Stitch it with the job posting containing the keywords. However, be careful in writing a genuine yet precise cover letter.

When Checking a Job Offer

10. Understand the Job Offer

If a job opportunity knocks on your door, do not just grab it. Knowing your value will help you choose what you deserve rather than what you just need. If you are a pro, know how much you must receive and what benefits it can give you. Growing your career starts by choosing the path that offers you a chance to grow as a professional.

For people who have been jobless for ages, job search advice is handy. Easing your worries about being jobless is just a few clicks away. What you need is to avoid these common job search mistakes and find companies that offer great opportunities. Equip yourself with a tailored resume and quick job search assistance. | | |
Image Courtesy: Photo by Antoine Da cunha on Unsplash

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